Welcome to Tonos!

The amount of content and diversity in the internet is almost unfathomable. From large amounts of scientific research to mountains of fun and entertaining videos, the daily user has access to innumerable information.

Tonos recognizes that the media companies creating this seemingly never-ending surge of media need a reliable source of profit in order to keep producing this quality content. With that in mind, Tonos was created in order to provide companies with the right tools to monetize their products efficiently across all of their platforms. Whether you’re selling memberships, using a hard or metered paywall, charging for access to live video events, Tonos makes it simple to set up and manage your paid content business.

Furthermore, Tonos allows you to easily manage your subscriber journey and lifecycle, and allows you to tailor offers toward segments of your audience and use AI-based algorithms to target users based on their propensity to subscribe.

That is what Tonos does, and this documentation is the guide to getting you started in using the platform for your own needs.

This documentation contains everything you need to properly monetize your content, starting from steps on how to set up your organization, up to creating subscription plans, offers, and campaigns.